Innovative Employee Incentives #15: Perks

We’ve reached the end of my Innovative Employee Incentives in the Age of COVID blog series. The last group is a bunch of benefits that didn’t fall into any other category. I’m sure there are more unique perks out there that I haven’t heard of – employers are continually innovating to ensure they can attract, hire, and retain the best talent. Here are special perks I know of:

Company logo-wear and other swag

Every company loves low-cost advertising and providing employees with branded clothing, backpacks, coffee mugs, etc. is an excellent way to do it. Personally, if I had nothing but my company’s logo-wear to wear every day for work, I would do it. If your company doesn’t give you stuff like this for free, they might offer it at a discounted cost, subsidized by the company.

Employee discount programs

This could be discounts on everything from laptops to cars to apparel. It might not be something you think about when you take a job, but you may want to check at larger companies to see if this type of program is available to you. Even if you get discounts from other places, the percentage you can save might be a sizeable chunk of change.

photo of white toyota supra
apple macbook
pair of brown leather casual shoes on table

Discount on company products

sale cards on beige background

If you work at a company, you do so for a reason (because you like what your firm does or creates). Most companies offer their employees a reduced price to buy their own goods or services. I once had a consulting gig at a cheese manufacturing company, and they let me shop in their employee store. I got cheese at 50% less than retail – what a perk!

Free snacks and drinks (in-office)

male freelancer work on desktop computer near coffee machine

This isn’t exactly a novel idea, but back when offices were open, this was a convenient thing to have in the kitchen. Small (mostly healthy) snacks such as granola bars, fresh fruit, whole-grain crackers, etc., also encourage employees to eat smart and avoid the junk food that all of us love. Many organizations have gourmet coffee or tea bags available, too. Since my company is still primarily remote, they bring the snacks to us, allowing us to choose which snacks we want, and shipping them to our homes.

Milk Stork

bottle container high chair macro

Milk Stork sounds like an incredible benefit for any traveling mother who breastfeeds her baby. Mothers can pump from a hotel room and ship the milk home, so children don’t have to drink formula. Using breastmilk is especially useful now, given the shortage of baby formula in the United States. I only wish there had been a service like this when I was in that stage of life!

love cute kids baby has been around for a while, and I have used it myself – it’s how I found my last nanny for my kids when they were younger. On this site, you can find qualified, trusted caregivers to care for your children or aging parents. Employers know that child or elder care is hard to find, so they provide their employees with a subscription to this site.

photography of empty parking lot

I used to work in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There is little available street parking, and the parking garage attached to my office building was expensive! Unfortunately, I had to cover the cost myself. Companies that want people to come to the office would be wise to pay for parking on behalf of their employees, especially in large metro areas.

Paid mass transit

bus bench seats

An alternative to dealing with parking is using mass transit. Not every city or community has a decent mass transit system, but if they do, this is an okay way to get to work. Employees can usually work on the bus or the train while traveling, which means they’re ahead of the game when they arrive at the office. Employers who want to keep their employees happy and productive will pay for their employees’ mass transit costs.


massage oil

Oh my, this is one of the best perks EVER! I have worked at several companies that hired a masseuse to give full-body or short, seated chair massages in the office. There was always a sign-up list that filled up fast. I can’t tell you how stress-relieving it is to take a short break out of your day to treat yourself to a massage.

Identity Theft Protection

close up shot of a person wearing a robber mask

ID theft seems to happen to everyone at some point in their lives, and you want to be protected. Some organizations team up with companies like LifeLock to allow their employees to purchase this protection at a reduced group cost. This is an essential benefit if you don’t want to get stuck with someone else’s debt that they racked up on your behalf.

Travel Agent

orange and green label airplane ticket

Ever wish we could go back in time to the glory days before the internet when travel was arranged by travel agents? I often do! Many companies partner with a professional travel agency for corporate travel, providing discounted rates. As a bonus, many employers also allow employees to use their services to make personal travel arrangements. I call that a win-win!

Adoption Assistance

a man in red shirt carrying a girl in pink dress

If you have had trouble conceiving and want to adopt, some companies will help you do it. I know a couple who adopted a child a few years ago, and let me tell you something – it wasn’t cheap! Adopting is expensive, but if you want to love and raise a child, it’s also very selfless.

Pet Adoption Assistance

Adopting a pet is another exciting and unique benefit some firms offer (like mine). I have four furry friends already, so I won’t need to use this service anytime soon, but if you’re looking to add a pet to your family, you might be able to get some help from your company.

two yellow labrador retriever puppies

Final Thoughts

These creative benefits may be a bit on the fringe, but they’re also lovely to have. Remember, your salary is not your only compensation as an employee – you should always consider your “total rewards package,” which includes all the standard benefits, plus a few more like these.

If you missed any of the previous blogs in this series, check them out now:

Now, it’s your turn! Do you have a unique benefit I haven’t covered in this blog series? If so, please let me know in the comments below! I’ll be compiling this series into a little eBook, and if there’s anything I missed, I would love to include it.