More Great Agile Debates, Part 1
My previous “Great Agile Debates” have proven extremely popular, so I thought I would add to this body of knowledge with a new blog series.
As a Product Owner, it’s essential that you develop an Agile Product Vision. This will be your Scrum Team’s north star as they build the product.
My previous “Great Agile Debates” have proven extremely popular, so I thought I would add to this body of knowledge with a new blog series.
I have long advocated that Scrum Teams have a “Definition of Ready”; if you don’t have one, there are many potential negative consequences.
For agile transformations to succeed, they must have top-down support from executives who really understand what it means to be agile.
The concept of a Product Goal is not new, but it wasn’t an official artifact until the 2020 update to the Scrum Guide. Learn more about it!
It’s a common misconception that there’s no planning in Agile (there is), and the Product Owner is responsible, but a lot can still go wrong.
Having a vision aligned to the strategy of our product is like having a north star to guide you. Without one, you will probably fail.